If you are feeling sick please stay home!

This is a SCENT FREE office. Please come in AT your scheduled time.

We accept cash or debit. We do NOT accept VISA or MASTERCARD.

Please call the office if you are looking for a specific day or time.

Please inform us 24 hours before your appointment time if you need to cancel, otherwise you will be charged full price for late or missed appointments.

If you need to reach Jhoyce Tinamisan, RMT please call 647-379-4929

Before confirming your appointment, please answer the following questions honestly. If you answer yes to any of the following questions please call the clinic to book.

Have you traveled outside of Canada in the past 14 Days?

Have you tested or are presumed positive for COVID-19 or have had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 without wearing appropriate PPE?

Do you have any of the following symptoms? Fever and/or Chills, new onset of cough, worsening chronic cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, decrease or loss of sense of smell or taste, headaches, unexplained malaise/muscle aches, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pink eye (conjunctivitis), runny nose or nasal congestion without other known cause, for young children or infants: lack of appetite or sluggishness. Thank you for your honesty and we hope to see you soon.


Chiropractors assess disorders related to the spine, nervous system and joints of the extremities and provide a diagnosis, treatment and prevention of those disorders.

For patients who have NEVER been to the clinic and wish to see Dr. Mitch Ormond please click on his picture and select NEW PATIENT.
For patients who have NEVER been to the clinic and wish to see Dr. Jenny Pelisek please call.

Registered Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy although possibly best known for its amazing stress relief potential, also has a profound effect on the physiology of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints by providing a hands-on manipulation of these tissues. Massage therapy provides an alternative health option to help alleviate the soft tissue discomfort associated ... Read More

Massage Therapy although possibly best known for its amazing stress relief potential, also has a profound effect on the physiology of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints by providing a hands-on manipulation of these tissues. Massage therapy provides an alternative health option to help alleviate the soft tissue discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain syndromes.

Payments can also be etransfered to

With a special interest in Sports and Rehabilitation, Dr. Mitch is here to help you get back to the activities you love, pain free and stronger than before.

Dr. Mitch blends evidenced informed care with a wellness based approach which provides his patients with a holistic healthcare experience. He is dedicated to not only eliminating his patients pain, but to preventing it from recurring by giving his patients the tools to live in optimal health.

To help his patients attain peak health, Dr. Mitch utilizes a combination of therapies including Chiropractic Adjustment, gentle joint mobilization, soft tissue therapy ( a form of Active Release Technique) Acupuncture, Ultrasound, Inferential Current, Orthotics, ergonomic advice, along with stretching and strengthening exercises.

Dr. Mitch was born and raised in London, and is a proud Western Mustang where he graduated with a BSc Kinesilogy (hons). Ever since he was the athletic trainer for the Western Mustang Football team on their Journey to the Vanier cup, he has had a passion for helping all athletes and non-atheltes to attain their highest level of performance and health, ensuring that everyone can live a pain free life.

Dr. Mitch followed his passion of helping everyone attain their optimal health to Toronto, where he earned his four year Doctor of Chiopractic Degree at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. During his spare time Dr. Mitch enjoys keeping fit through any and all sports, while staying strong through resistance training.

Book in today with Dr. Mitch to start down your journey to wellness and optimal health.

With a special interest in Sports and Rehabilitation, Dr. Mitch is here to help you get back to t... Read More

Dr. Pelisek was born and raised in Chatham. She received her B.A. in Physical Education at UWO, her D.C. from Logan College of Chiropractic (Logan University). She then continued with a special interest in pediatrics and pregnant women with a Diplomate in Pregnancy and Pediatrics from the ICA and Palmer College. She is also a Certified Kinesiotape Practioner.

She has been a member of her local service organization the Zonta Club of Chatham-Kent since 2000.

Dr. Pelisek was born and raised in Chatham. She received her B.A. in Physical Education at UWO, ... Read More

Please contact Jhoyce at 647-379-4929

Please contact Jhoyce at 647-379-4929 Read More

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Located at: 152 THAMES ST, Chatham
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